Source code for psykoda.cli

"""Command line interface"""
import argparse
import copy
import dataclasses
import datetime
import logging
from typing import Optional

import dacite

from psykoda.cli import internal
from psykoda.constants import COMMANDLINE_DATE_FORMAT

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Config = internal.DetectConfig

[docs]def main(): """ Parse command line arguments and call main routine. Raises ------ ValueError Command line arguments are invalid. """ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument( "--config", help="Path to configuration file", default="config.json", ) ap.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Output debug logs") ap.add_argument( "--date_from", type=strptime, help="Start date of the period to be detected" ) ap.add_argument( "--date_to", type=strptime, help="End date of the period to be detected" ) ap.add_argument( "--period_train", type=int, default=28, help="Number of days of training period" ) ap.add_argument("--nrows-read", type=int) ap.add_argument( "--no_plot", action="store_true", help="Do not display result graphs" ) args = ap.parse_args() internal.configure_logging(debug=args.debug) logger.debug("args %s\n", args) config: Config = dacite.from_dict(Config, internal.load_config(args.config)) logger.debug("configuration %s", config) main_detect(args, config)
[docs]def main_detect(args, config: Config): """ Main routine for anmaly detection. Parameters ---------- args Command line arguments. config Settings for this command. """ # Generate parameters from command line arguments params = internal.set_default_date_detect(copy.deepcopy(args), config.arguments) logger.debug("params %s\n", params) internal.main_preproc_and_detection(params, config) return"finish")
[docs]def strptime(date_string: str): """ Convert a string to datetime in COMMANDLINE_DATE_FORMAT format. Parameters ---------- date_string Date string Returns ------- datetime """ return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, COMMANDLINE_DATE_FORMAT)