Source code for psykoda.feature_extraction

"""Extract and manage feature values"""

import copy
import ipaddress
import itertools
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame, Index, Series
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, lil_matrix

from psykoda import utils
from psykoda.constants import col, ip

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FeatureLabel: r"""Feature matrix with label values Parameters ---------- feature scipy sparse feature matrix :shape: (n_samples, n_features) index index of feature matrix :length: n_samples columns column of feature matrix :length: n_features label labels :shape: (n_samples, ) idf_sid IDF (Inverse Document Frequency) for, and indexed by, sid idf_dport IDF for, and indexed by, dest_port """ def __init__( self, *, feature: csr_matrix, index: List[Tuple[datetime, str]], columns: list, label: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, idf_sid: Series, idf_dport: Series, ): self.feature = feature self.index = index self.columns = columns self.label = label self.idf_sid = idf_sid self.idf_dport = idf_dport self._invariant()
[docs] def extract_nonzeros(self): """ restructure feature matrix by excluding all zero rows/cols """ self.extract_nonzeros_rows() self.extract_nonzeros_cols() self._invariant()
[docs] def extract_nonzeros_rows(self): """ exclude rows whose elements are all zeros """ ind = np.where(self.feature.sum(axis=1) > 0)[0] self.feature = self.feature[ind] self.index = [self.index[i] for i in ind] if self.label is not None: self.label = self.label[ind]
[docs] def extract_nonzeros_cols(self): """ exclude columns whose elements are all zeros """ ind = np.where(np.ravel(self.feature.sum(axis=0) > 0))[0] self.feature = self.feature[:, ind] self.columns = [self.columns[i] for i in ind]
[docs] def loc(self, sample: Tuple[datetime, str]) -> Series: """ correspond to DataFrame.loc[sample] e.g. sample = (pandas.Timestamp("2021-04-01 14:00:00"), "") Parameters ---------- sample Returns ------- Series A series of features corresponding to sample. """ idx = self.index.index(sample) indices = self.feature[idx].indices data = self.feature[idx].data return Series(data, index=[self.columns[i] for i in indices])
[docs] def put_labels(self, labeled_samples: Series): """ Assign label value 1 to known normal samples Parameters ---------- labeled_samples all-1 vector whose indexes are known normal :index: Index[datetime_rounded: datetime, src_ip: str] """ self.label = Series(0.0, index=self.index) if labeled_samples is not None: self.label.loc[labeled_samples.index] = labeled_samples self.label = np.array(self.label, dtype="float")
[docs] def split_train_test( self, date_to_training: datetime ) -> Tuple[csr_matrix, Series, csr_matrix, Index]: """split feature matrix and return training and test sets Parameters ---------- date_to_training samples (and their features) earlier than date_to_training are used for training. Returns ------- X_train feature matrix for training :shape: (n_samples_train, n_features) y_train labels for training :length: n_samples_train X_test feature matrix for anomaly detection :shape: (n_samples_test, n_features) index_test: Index[datetime_rounded: datetime, src_ip: str] row index for anomaly detection :length: n_samples_test Notes -------- date_to_training is compared against datetime_rounded.replace(hour=0). Samples with equality are included in training set. """ if self.label is None: self.label = Series(0.0, index=self.index) train_mask = np.array( [ dtr_srcip[0].replace(hour=0) <= date_to_training for dtr_srcip in self.index ] ) return ( self.feature[train_mask], self.label[train_mask], self.feature[~train_mask], Index(self.index)[~train_mask], )
def _invariant(self): """This equality must always hold""" assert self.feature.shape == (len(self.index), len(self.columns))
[docs]@dataclass class IDFConfig: """ Settings for IDF (Inverse Document Frequency). """ min_count: int num_feature: int
[docs]@dataclass class FeatureExtractionConfig: """ Settings for feature_extraction. """ idf: Dict[str, IDFConfig] address_to_location: Optional[str]
[docs]def feature_extraction_all( log: DataFrame, idf_config: Dict[str, IDFConfig], iptable: DataFrame, ) -> Optional[FeatureLabel]: """compute feature matrix from preprocessed log for each sample Parameters ---------- log data to construct feature matrix from. :index: (datetime_rounded, src_ip) (exact match) :assumed: (dest_ip, dest_port, sid, src_port) (included) idf_config Configuration for IDF :key: column :value: configuration refer to calculate_idf and its unittests. iptable IP locations definition table .. todo:: example """ _dst_port = copy.copy(log[col.DEST_PORT]) _dst_port[_dst_port >= 49152] = -1 return _feature_extraction_all( log.assign(**{col.DEST_PORT: _dst_port}), idf_config=idf_config, iptable=iptable, )
def _feature_extraction_all( log: DataFrame, idf_config: Dict[str, IDFConfig], iptable: DataFrame, ) -> Optional[FeatureLabel]: """refer to feature_extraction_all. Parameters ---------- log idf_config Configuration for IDF :key: column :value: configuration refer to calculate_idf and its unittests. iptable IP locations definition table """ idfs_groupss = utils.dmap( lambda column, config: calculate_idf( log, column=column, num_idf_feature=config.num_feature, min_count=config.min_count, ), idf_config, ) idfs = utils.vmap(utils.first, idfs_groupss) groupss = utils.vmap(utils.second, idfs_groupss) if not any(groupss.values()): return None ip2loc = find_ip_location(_ips(groupss), iptable=iptable) dict_loc2idx: Dict[str, int] = utils.index_from_unsorted(ip2loc) sample_list = _samples(groupss) sample2loc2idx = Series( [dict_loc2idx[ip2loc.loc[x[1]]] for x in sample_list], index=sample_list ) ip2idx = num_locations = len(dict_loc2idx) num_idfs: int = sum(map(len, idfs.values())) sample2idx = Series(utils.index_from_sorted(sample_list)) _shape_tensor = [num_locations, num_locations, num_idfs] columns = list( itertools.product(dict_loc2idx.keys(), dict_loc2idx.keys(), _idfs(groupss)) ) feature_matrix = _construct_feature_matrix( shape=(len(sample_list), _shape_tensor), idfs_groupss=idfs_groupss, sample_to_location_index=sample2loc2idx, sample_index=sample2idx, ip_index=ip2idx, ).tocsr() return FeatureLabel( feature=feature_matrix, index=sample_list, columns=columns, idf_sid=idfs[col.SID], idf_dport=idfs[col.DEST_PORT], ) Group = Tuple[Any, DataFrame] Groups = List[Group] def _construct_feature_matrix( shape, idfs_groupss: Dict[str, Tuple[Series, Groups]], sample_to_location_index, sample_index, ip_index, ) -> lil_matrix: feature_matrix = lil_matrix((shape[0], np.product(shape[1]))) ravel_index = _ravel_index(shape[1]) i = 0 for (column, (idf, groups)) in idfs_groupss.items(): logger.debug( "column: %s, idf: %s, groups: %s", type(column), type(idf), type(groups) ) for (value, group) in groups: sizes = group.groupby(group.index.names + [col.DEST_IP]).size() # accessing more than 100 times is no more significant than 100 times. tf = sizes.clip(lower=0, upper=100) samples = sizes.index.droplevel(col.DEST_IP).to_flat_index() dips = sizes.index.get_level_values(col.DEST_IP) ind = ravel_index( ( sample_to_location_index.loc[samples].values, ip_index.loc[dips].values, i, ) ) feature_matrix[sample_index.loc[samples], ind] = tf * idf[value] i += 1 return feature_matrix def _ravel_index(shape: Iterable[int]): """Convert multidimensional index into single dimensional index""" def f(coord: Iterable[int]): ret = 0 for (s, c) in zip(shape, coord): assert (0 <= np.array(c)).all() assert (np.array(c) < s).all() ret *= s ret += c return ret return f
[docs]def calculate_idf( log: DataFrame, column: str, num_idf_feature: int, min_count: int ) -> Tuple[Series, Groups]: """Calculate Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) of given column. Every unique index is considered a document. A value of given column is considered to appear in the document if and only if there is at least one row with the index and column values. Parameters ---------- log column name of column to calculate IDF values on. num_idf_feature (soft) maximum number of unique values of log[column] to keep IDF for. min_count minimum number of appearance of a log[column] value to calculate IDF for. Returns ------- idf log(1 + raw_idf), indexed by column values e.g. Series([5.3, 3.2, 2.8], index=[22, 80, 3389], name=dest_port_idf) groups list of (column_value, matching_dataframe), indexed the same as idf """ # total number of documents df_denom = log.index.nunique() grouped = log.groupby(column) # number of documents in which each value appeaed unique_idx_by_value = grouped.apply(lambda group: group.index.nunique()) # filter (by >= min_count) relevant_values = min_count <= log[column].value_counts() # raw IDF idf_raw = df_denom / unique_idx_by_value[relevant_values] # transformed IDF idf = np.log(1 + idf_raw).sort_values(ascending=False) # pylint: disable=no-member # since idf_raw is Series, np.log actually returns Series, which has sort_values = column + col.IDF_SUFFIX # keep largest num_idf_feature values, and ties if len(idf) > num_idf_feature: idf = idf[idf >= idf.iat[num_idf_feature - 1]] groups = [(i, grouped.get_group(i)) for i in idf.index] return idf, groups
[docs]def find_ip_location(ip_list: List[str], iptable: DataFrame) -> Series: """Find location information for IP addresses Current implementation returns first matches, but this is not part of specification. Parameters ---------- ip_list iptable location information table with at least two columns :IP_TABLE_SUBNET: network address in CIDR format :IP_TABLE_LOCATION: location name Returns ------- location : Series location information :index: ip_address: str :value: location_name: str """ matcher = location_matcher( iptable[col.IP_TABLE_SUBNET], iptable[col.IP_TABLE_LOCATION] ) return Series( [matcher(ipaddress.ip_address(address)) for address in ip_list], index=ip_list )
[docs]def location_matcher(subnets: Iterable[str], locations: Iterable[str]): """ Generate a function that returns location when you input ip address. Parameters ---------- subnets Subnet addresses in CIDR format. locations : Iterable[str] Location names for each subnet address. Returns ------- matcher A function that returns location when you input ip address. """ matchers = [ (ipaddress.ip_network(subnet), location) for (subnet, location) in zip(subnets, locations) ] + [ (ipaddress.ip_network(subnet), ip.UNKNOWN_PRIVATE) for subnet in ip.IPV4_PRIVATE.values() ] def matcher(address): for (subnet, location) in matchers: if address in subnet: return location return ip.UNKNOWN_GLOBAL return matcher
def _ips(groupss: Dict[str, Groups]) -> List[str]: ret: Set[str] = set() for groups in groupss.values(): for (_, group) in groups: ret = ret.union( itertools.chain( group.index.get_level_values(col.SRC_IP).unique().tolist(), group[col.DEST_IP].unique().tolist(), ) ) return sorted(ret) def _samples(groupss: Dict[str, Groups]) -> List[Tuple[datetime, str]]: ret: Set[Tuple[datetime, str]] = set() for groups in groupss.values(): for (_, group) in groups: ret = ret.union(group.index.unique().tolist()) return sorted(ret) def _idfs(groupss: Dict[str, Groups]) -> Iterable[str]: for (name, groups) in groupss.items(): for (value, _) in groups: yield f"{name}_{value}"